
A Student Church Planting eXperience (SCPX) is built around the concept that everything you learn must be experienced.

Here are Five Core Elements of every SCPX:

1. Prayer and Presence of God

Encounter Jesus together in prayer and worship. Make space to have time with God alone and as a group. What is He saying? How are you encountering Him? Where are you struggling? Learning to pray and spend time in God's presence is an essential practice for a lifetime of following Jesus and making disciples.

2. Power of the Holy Spirit

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be My witnesses...”

SCPX is not just about theory, models, or principles. A core part of SCPX is about experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit together and equipping people to bring that to others. The Holy Spirit sparked the movement of the gospel throughout the Book of Acts; the Holy Spirit is lighting fires for a new student mission movement today. Make space for people to "eagerly desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit" together - and be sent in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring the good news of Jesus to your campus and beyond.

3. Experiential Learning 
When you learn about a principle, immediately give people an opportunity to respond and practice it. Make room for the risk that “nothing will happen.” God often moves when we take a risk to follow Him. When you talk about evangelism, send students out to try it. When you talk about persons of peace, send students out in pairs to look for them. When you talk about healing, go out to love and pray for people who are sick.

Experiential learning MUST happen.  If students do not put action to what they are learning, then the teaching may never go from the notebook to the campus.  This is another aspect that differentiates a SCPX from another conference.  Light on teaching, heavy on experience…this is the best and most successful form of learning.

4. Simple, Reproducible Church Planting

Although we’re more in love with the wine (God’s spirit) than we are with the wineskin it goes in (the ministry structure), a key aspect God has given us to steward is equipping students with simple, reproducible models for growing the church. For us, this means we want to equip and send students to make disciples and form them into groups that follow Jesus together. These simple churches can mature from that basic starting place. We hope every person who goes through a SCPX will leave with experience, practical tools, and a personal commitment to making disciples and growing simple churches. 

5. Spiritual Family

"They will know you are My disciples by your love for one another."

Spiritual family values relationships over performance and grows out of knowing God as our Father.

Model loving, nurturing community together during your SCPX as a template for what spiritual family is like. Love each other, work out relational conflicts, and create opportunities for spiritual moms and dads to love students as they go through SCPX and afterward. 

Spiritual family creates a safe place for students to be released to “go for it” with Jesus together, being assured they have encouragement and support even when things fail. Living together as a committed community during the SCPX helps facilitate this atmosphere. Eat together, pray together, and play together!

Want to facilitate a time to experience this and more with your friends? Click here to Do Your Own.