
"Seeding movements of disciples and churches on and beyond every university campus in the world."


Brief History

What started as an experiential missions training school for college students has grown into a spiritual family seeking to make disciples of every nation - on campuses and beyond.

SCPX started as a dream in Erik Fish's heart to see a church planting movement multiply among unchurched teens and twenty-somethings. When Erik met Dr. Pam Arlund in 2007 - a missiologist who just returned from planting CPM's in a restricted access nation - a friendship was solidified and the fabric of Student CPx began to take shape.

In summer 2008, a brave group of students joined Erik and Pam at the first Student Church Planting eXperience (SCPX) at Haskell Indian Nations University.  Friends from All Nations24-7 Prayer and CMA came together with them to dream God's dream for a new student missions movement to grow from college campuses to the ends of the earth. From that initial two-week experience, students from several campuses became followers of Jesus, experienced healings, were baptized, filled with the Holy Spirit, and grew simple church communities devoted to following the basic commands of Jesus together.

The movement multiplied.

In the months that followed, students started simple churches on other campuses, replicating their initial experience at the first SCPX at Haskell University. As students began making disciples they began to travel to new places to seed movements on new campuses, the urban core, and other nations.  Since 2008, SCPX has equipped students in over 15 nations to make disciples and plant simple church communities. 

With support and guidance from spiritual moms and dads, SCPX grew through the creativity and initiative of the next generation of student leaders. Students began leading other Student CPx's -- training students, who trained other students, and so on. The model for reproducing a Student CPx was always simple: Gather students together for a week or two to live out the values of Loving God, Loving Each Other, and Loving the Lost. As they did, creative sounds of worship were released. New dreams were realized. New believers were baptized. Miracles happened. Calls to specific cities and nations were heard as students gathered together to pray for spiritual awakening - and boldly call their generation to follow Jesus.

As stories spread of students encountering Jesus, spiritual families of Jesus followers began growing in many places, expressing God's heart for the campus and beyond. These communities sometimes grew into networks of simple churches that lived out the values of loving God, loving each other, and loving the lost. These networks of simple churches were called "HUBS" -- places where spiritual families live life, love each other, seek God, and send out new missionaries as the Holy Spirit leads. Inspired by stories from the New Testament church, we endeavored to see these HUBS function like Antioch communities. 

As SCPX grows on an increasing number of campuses and cities around the world, we see that God is not only calling us to His mission; He's growing spiritual families who love each other well. This desire to model spiritual family is at the heart of our vision to see new movements of disciples and churches grow from university campuses to bless every nation on earth.

Who We Are

We are male and female.  Many of us are young, some of us are not so young. We are black, and white, and brown, and red, and yellow. We are the forgiven. Our lives and hearts are bound together by the God-Man Jesus, who laid down His life to make us much-loved sons and daughters.  We are a family on a mission; we are among those who long to lay their lives down to see His great family expanded across the earth.  We live on college campuses, in small towns, and large cities.  We have tasted the power of God’s Holy Spirit, which is the power of Love.  We have dreams in our hearts to change the world, and we are convinced we have permission to do just that.


What We Do

We aim to simply do what Jesus commanded. We believe every word Jesus spoke is true for every follower on the planet.  We spend time with Jesus; we heal people who are sick on our way to class; we read stories of Jesus with friends at work; we baptize new followers of His ways in city fountains and dorm bathtubs. We keep our ears open to hear words of life His Holy Spirit will speak to us. We make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. We gather together in simple forms of church in dorm rooms, fraternities, coffee shops, apartments, and hooka bars.  We eat together, play together, and pray together.  We interact with our Father God in creative ways. We love each other. We are a family on a mission together.

We have good news for anyone seeking to live out the dreams of their heart with Father God: Anyone can do it. Everyone can play. You have permission!


Core Values

We like to make things simple and reproducible. Though we are passionate about following all of Jesus’ principles, the following four Core Values inspire and guide us as a movement:

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”...” (John 13:35)
Relationships are the fabric through which Jesus grows His church! Growing loving relationship with our Father in heaven, with fellow sisters and brothers in Christ, with spiritual moms and dads, and with those who are not yet in the family of God are all essential components to our DNA.  We give to each others’ needs, forgive and work out relational conflicts, share meals together, enter into our friends’ daily rhythms of life, and have a whole lot of fun!!  

Cross Cultural
“I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing before the Lamb...” (Revelation 7:9)
We value the growth of the gospel through culturally meaningful expressions of the church in every generation, in every nation. As citizens of heaven, we seek to honor the distinct cultures of people around the world, encouraging them to discover and represent Jesus in culturally meaningful ways. We desire people of all nations to know and worship Jesus through culturally-meaningful expressions of the Church.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free...” (Galatians 5:1)
We value freedom over control. We love to see people freed to pursue the God-honoring dreams in their heart.  As a follower of Jesus, you are free to follow the commands of Jesus, whether you lead in the church, education, the arts, or the marketplace. Permission given!

“In the beginning, God created...” (Genesis 1:1)
Throughout history, movements of God’s people are often marked by creativity in expressing God’s heart for the world. We value dreaming with God to recreate the world around us, whether that creativity is expressed in missions, the church, the arts, or the marketplace. God is the most creative Being in the universe. As God’s people in the earth, following His example of creativity is vital for realizing His dream of filling the earth with His glory.

Do your own SCPX in your city