SCPX equips students to make disciples and can be replicated on any campus, anywhere. It doesn’t need to be complicated. This experiential training gives a "jump start" to help you grow networks of simple churches on campuses in your area.
A SCPX begins by simply gathering a group of people who will live together as a prayerful, practicing community for 7-10 days. You will pray together, go out to love students who don’t know Jesus, and engage in the basics of planting simple churches. The campus is just the beginning -- students learn principles they can carry with them beyond the campus to every city and nation in our lifetime.
SCPX is built around a set of core elements related to making disciples and planting simple churches. For each element, you’ll practice the following format:
Hear it -- Hear a principle.
Do it -- Practice the principle together on your campus/city.
Debrief it -- Discuss what happened and what you learned.
Here is a full document with step-by-step instructions for doing your own SCPX:
SCPX Facilitator’s Guide